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About PE

Welcome to Tibbals Elementary PE!  Go Tigers!

Class Schedule

7-7:30 Morning Duty 

7:30-8:00 Conference Period

8:00-8:55 1st Grade

9:00-9:55 2nd Grade

10:00-10:55 Kindergarten

11:00-11:30 Conference Period

11:30-12:00 Lunch duty

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:35-1:30 3rd Grade

1:45-2:40 4th Grade

2:40-3:00 Conference Period

Tennis shoes

To help keep your child safe, he or she will need to wear tennis shoes that are secure to his or her for PE. The first time a student doesn’t have tennis shoes, we will remind the student. The second time, I will email the parents a reminder. The third time, I’ll call you. The fourth time and any time after that, your child’s PE grade will be affected. If your child doesn’t want to wear tennis shoes to school, they can bring a pair to change into. If they wear the wrong shoes, they will still participate in PE that day. Students are expected to wear tennis shoes on picture day. The shoes need to have a tennis shoe sole and stay secure to their feet. This will start the second week of school.

Excused activity

Any excuse from activities needs to be accompanied by a parent or doctor’s note or email.